Wholesale Provider SMM Panel →▶আমাদের কাছে সকল প্রকার সোস্যাল মিডিয়া সার্ভিস পাচ্ছেন পাইকারী দামে →▶নিজে সার্ভিস কিনুন এবং অন্যদের কাছে সার্ভিস সেল করে নিজে স্বাবলম্বী হোন →▶ অর্ডার নিয়ে যে কোন সমস্যার জন্য আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন WhatsApp +8801314517632 √ধন্যবাদ√

Popular questions

We collected 5 of the most popular 

questions from our panel visitors and answered them.

our panel services are 100% real and very fast delivery.  The cheapest price and quality are very good.  24/7 live support on WhatsApp.  Fraud free organization

  1. If our system sends an extra quantity, no refill for extra delivery. If your old or new follows drop we also do not refill for it. Our system only checks the start count and now how much. If the system does not find any drop according to the start count we can't refill it.& the refill system works only when the drop ratio is more than %10, for some services it works when the drop ratio is more than %5
  2. If the start count goes down we can't refill or refund, before asking for a refill you must fill in the start count so we can refill.
  3. If your order is on the same link at the same time we are also unable to refill.

If customer made order on wrong links it mark complete without done & no support/refund in this issue.

This is automatic server so, after place order we can't edit, change, cancel that even if you insert wrong link. Sometimes we able to cancel an order if it takes time to start or have other issuebut this is very rare.

if post removed after place an order we can't help also in this cause.

Please order very carefully for avoid lossing.

Sometimes server got problem and unable to take order and it cancel the order. If any order got cancel, it automatically refund the money for that order too. Check the order it's cost 0. You can check your account balance too. In this case just order again.

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