Wholesale Provider SMM Panel →▶আমাদের কাছে সকল প্রকার সোস্যাল মিডিয়া সার্ভিস পাচ্ছেন পাইকারী দামে →▶নিজে সার্ভিস কিনুন এবং অন্যদের কাছে সার্ভিস সেল করে নিজে স্বাবলম্বী হোন →▶ অর্ডার নিয়ে যে কোন সমস্যার জন্য আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন WhatsApp +8801314517632 √ধন্যবাদ√

SMMHUP refund terms are top, if a customer wants their money back, we refund within 1-12 hours without any questions.

  1. SMMHUP.COM knows your money's worth, whenever you want your money back we will refund your money without question. Inshallah
  2. The money you deposit on a Visa/Master Card will never be refunded.
  3. You agree that once you complete a payment, you will not dispute (file a chargeback) against us for any reason.
  4. Refund Charge Per Doller 10%+Vate 5% = 15% Charges will Apply
  5. If you file a dispute or chargeback against us after ordering the Service, SMMHUP.COM reserves the right to cancel all orders and suspend your account. We also reserve the right to remove any followers or likes from your or your clients' Instagram/Facebook/Twitter or other social media accounts.
  6. Incorrect or personal account orders will not be eligible for refund. So check each order carefully before ordering
  7. Please do not double-order the same service on the same link. No refund will be given if the service is canceled due to double order